: 21st August this year marked 40 years since the assassination of Ninoy Aquino. One of the grandsons …

: Read the Global Slavery Index for 2023 from [Walk Free] (https://www.walkfree.org/) and … I wanna …

: Great news from the Philippines today with the acquittal of Maria Ressa after more than four years …

: Counting out the gold and silver to pay for the kid‘s iced chocolate. She promised me it’ll be the …

: Here at 49.5 degrees north and 11 degrees east, we’ve just had that sudden transition from the hot …

: On being a grumpy old man/father Here in Bavaria the summer holidays are coming to an end. And just in time as well. I snapped at my …

: Life sure is not as much fun now that my oldest daughter has left for America. Just me and the …

: Does anyone else find the obsession with personal knowledge management and the idea of second brains …

: The Vietnamese snack Bánh tráng nưỡng is popping up on social media a lot, so I gave them a try this …

: And there she is. On her way to Frankfurt and then on to America. The connection between her and us …

: An open letter to the United States of America Please be kind to my oldest daughter for the next …

: The oldest turned 18 two days ago. And on Sunday she leaves for college in America. She completed …

: facultative: Do any institutions of tertiary education in the English-speaking world still use this …

: I always seek out the green spaces when in another city. The Jewish Museum, Berlin

: Umberto Eco is probably to blame for the cynicism I feel when I visit the major commercial tourist …

: And of course the Brandenburger Tor. I remember my first visit here in early 1997 in the gloom of a …

: Much more interesting than the Fernsehturm (TV tower) is das Rote Rathaus—maybe because it’s …

: Alexanderplatz in Berlin. Why do all roads for tourists in Berlin lead here?

: Got Back from Berlin late Friday night Just a short trip with the kids. It was hot and humid, and …

: Thanks for making me feel at home on my very first day. I’ve got a long morning ahead of me with der …

: My first day on micro.blog. And my first venture into building a public profile. It feels good to be …

: When it’s hot and humid here in Europe, my drink of choice during the day is an affogato, or for the …

: Cooked a simple version of Pancit Canton for dinner last night. Pancit is one of the national dishes …